10/66 Dementia Research Group Alzheimer's Disease International


Delivering quality healthcare to older people is a challenge, particularly in some settings - a remote village in Canete, rural Peru

Research evidence, effectively disseminated, has the power to raise awareness and influence policy in progressive directions. Our research programme is now well underway. How exactly can our findings be used to advance the policy debate, and make the arguments for more and better services for people with dementia?

We aim to work closely with national, regional and international policymakers in the formulation of our research plans, and in the interpretation and dissemination of knowledge from the 10/66 studies.

At the same time we tremendously value the importance of improving awareness of dementia in the whole population. And we believe that clear and sound messages should be shaped and tailored around the audience.

We are determined to establish a good understanding of the wider political context. Hence, we will work with policymakers to prepare country profiles for each 10/66 centre, and baseline policy analyses according to a standard template. These would include:

  • population demographic characteristics and trends
  • estimated numbers of people with dementia, and trends
  • any overarching government policies on ageing, healthcare for older people, long term care, and dementia
  • the resources available for social and healthcare, including financing arrangements
  • sources of income for older people; availability and type of pensions (including disability pensions and caregiver allowances)
  • any pending policy initiatives

10/66 works closely with ADI, the World Health Organization and other stakeholders to produce and disseminate reports, policy briefings and working papers highlighting key messages arising from our research. Our low and middle income country studies have made a notable contribution to ADI’s World Alzheimer Reports (annually from 2009) prepared by our Global Observatory for Ageing and Dementia Research Click here

These will be circulated to all interested stakeholders (register here), and posted on this section of the site
  • the prevalence, and numbers of people with, including future trends
  • the economic cost of dementia and other NCDs, at the household and societal level
  • the relative impact (on mortality, disability, dependency and needs for care) of dementia and other NCDs
  • the adequacy of healthcare provision

We also aim to develop a knowledge translation community of engaged policymakers, researchers, media and NGO advocates, setting the agenda for research, reviewing learning from the 10/66 projects, considering policy implications, and exchanging information on new policy directions.

We anticipate that the our work with policymakers will include:

  1. improving coverage, and access to evidence-based health and social care
  2. improving the quality, and age-appropriateness of healthcare for older people
  3. encouraging national debates, policymaking and planning about arrangements for long term care
  4. securing a reduction in the levels of income insecurity and increases in the levels of social protection for older people

Several international agreements, conventions and reports are relevant. Our studies can be used to monitor progress towards their implementation.

World Health Organization – Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025 (2017)

World Health Organization – Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) (2017)

World Health Organization – Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health (2017)

World Health Organization – mhGAP Guideline Update (2015)

World Health Organization – World Report on Ageing and Health (2015)

World Health Organization – Dementia Call for Action (2014)

World Health Organization – Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP, 2009)

The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2006)

The World Health Organization - Improving the quality of health care for chronic conditions – WHOCC (2004)

The Madrid International Plan for Action on Ageing (2002)

World Health Organization - Towards an International Consensus on Policy for Long-Term Care of the Ageing. (2000) http://www.milbank.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/000712oms.pdf







Latest 10/66 News

  • Professor Martin Prince contributes to the Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development
  • Access our latest publications here (as of July 2018)
  • Follow us on Twitter @1066_DRG for more updates
  • Watch Alzheimer's Disease International's production exploring the risks, growth and future response to dementia - "Every Three Seconds"

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