10/66 Dementia Research Group Alzheimer's Disease International

Pilot Studies

A barrio in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

The Protocols

The protocols for the 10/66 dementia diagnosis and caregiver pilot studies (as completed by 24 centres in the first wave of 10/66 pilot research)
pilot_protocol.doc (MS Word)

Groups wishing to validate the 10/66 dementia diagnosis algorithm for use in their particular centre may wish to use a modified version of the pilot protocol, which increases the numbers of persons with dementia to be studied, and delivers much greater precision in the estimation of sensitivity and specificity new_protocol.doc (MS Word)

The Assessments

Summary of Pilot Study Assessments
Interview Administered to Scope
Clinical.doc Participant and informant An independent clinician carries out a clinical interview using a checklist proforma to confirm the diagnosis of dementia using the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) and of depression using the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS). This file also gives instructions for scoring the CDR.
Csid.doc Participant and informant The dementia screening interview is the Community Screening Instrument for Dementia (CSI-D), consisting of a cognitive test for the participant and an informant interview. Both components are included in this file.
Gmsb3 revised.doc Participant The Geriatric Mental State
Carer.doc Informant The caregiver interview (for the caregiver pilot study only)

Click below to download the paper versions of pilot study assessments (choose either .rar or .zip archives)

pilot_paper.rar (zipped .rar archive)
pilot_paper.zip (zipped .zip archive)

The Data Entry Files

All data collected in the 10/66 studies is entered using the EPIDATA, a public domain data entry program, which can be copied and distributed without charge. It can therefore be downloaded relatively easily rom the internet. First go to the EPIDATA site, and follow the instructions.

In case of difficulty read the instructions in this file epidata_instructions.doc (MS Word)

Summary of Pilot Study Data Entry Files
Data entry file Contents
keyfile.rec for linking ID numbers to group status - dementia/depression/high education/low education
csidsubj.rec The participant (cognitive test) component of CSI'D'
csidinf.rec The informant component of CSI'D'
gms.rec Geriatric Mental State (version B3)
carer.rec The caregiver interview
lastdata.rec Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR), MADRS (Depression scale for depressed subjects), BPSD (coded from 5 open ended questions)

Click below to download pilot study Epidata data entry files (choose either .rar or .zip archives)

pilot_epifiles.rar (zipped .rar archive)
Pilot epifiles.zip (zipped .zip archive )

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