10/66 Dementia Research Group Alzheimer's Disease International

10/66 Population-based Study (Incidence Phase) Protocols

The protocol for the 10/66 incidence phase studies is described in a 10/66 publication

Click below to download the paper describing the 10/66 protocol through PubMed
click here for link to full text version

10/66 Population-based Study (Incidence Phase) Manual

This provides a much more detailed procedure for the implementation of the incidence phase of the population-based studies, including the verbal autopsy and second phase stroke assessment

Click below to download the English version of the manual
10/66 Population-based follow up manual English version (MS Word)

Clicar abajo para bajar la versione en Española:
10/66 Population-based follow up manual Spanish version (MS Word)

Paper Questionnaires for 10/66 Population-based Study (Incidence Phase)

Each of the ten interviews/ assessments required for the population-based study core protocol (listed below) is provided as a word file with the same name. All of these assessments have been modified from the original baseline (prevalence phase) assessment. There are different versions for people with and without dementia at baseline.

Summary of assessments for population-based study (incidence phase)
Interview Administered to Scope
background_participant Participant Socio-demographic and risk factor interview
background_informant Informant as per background participant, but used where the participant is too impaired to give reliable information
household Participant, informant and other household members Age ascertainment, household composition, household assets
gms Participant The Geriatric Mental State structured clinical interview
informant Informant carer/ coresident strain, care arrangements, informant report of cognitive and functional decline, and onset and course of dementia
neuroex Participant BP, anthropometry and neurological examination
demqol Participants with dementia at baseline Quality of life in dementia
Verbal autopsy Informant of deceased participants Date and cause of death
Second stage stroke Participants with possible stroke since baseline Clinical confirmation of stroke. Site and type

Click below to download the incidence phase survey assessments in English

Clicar abajo para bajar las medidas en Español

Paper Data Coding Sheets for 10/66 Population-based Studies

In order to save money on photocopying and printing, we have prepared brief data coding sheets for each interview. Each interviewer will then need only one copy of the full interview, and codes the responses onto the much briefer data coding sheets instead.

Click below to download the incidence phase data coding sheets in English

Clicar abajo para bajar los documentos por el data-entry en Español

Epidata Data Entry Files and Data Processing Files for 10/66 Population-based Study

All data collected in the 10/66 studies is entered using the EPIDATA, a public domain data entry program, which can be copied and distributed without charge. It can therefore be downloaded relatively easily from the internet. First go to the EPIDATA site, and follow the instructions.
In case of difficulty read the instructions in this file - epidata_instructions.doc

Each of the ten interviews/ assessments listed above are also supported by epidata data entry files, which can be downloaded as a zip archive file.

Click below to download the English version of the population based study Epidata data entry files:

Clicar abajo para bajar los files de Epidata en Español*:

*Entrevista completa, por uso directamente con computadoras

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